Friday, May 29, 2009


What does it mean to be conservative ?

There are many definitions, but to just cut down to the chase here is a simple definition. We believe in every person as an individual that has value and each person is important and significant. It does not matter what race, creed, color, nationality or ethnicity a person is, each of us are important. Each of us have responsibilities; Each of us can excel and grow in each and every way. We believe that every single citizen shall have as many freedoms as possible to life their life as freely as possible. We believe that the Constitution is the most beautiful document and it was written by enlightened men who fought for it. The founders of this country saw the corruption and the problems in the east and sought to form a government that enabled "the individual" to pursue liberty, life and happiness.

Furthermore, as conservatives we believe that the government should in providing these freedoms be as small as possible. It is not the responsibiliity of the government to be all and everything. Actually the government needs only to provide what is elaborated in the Constitution and provide the defense of our country. It would be perfect if Congress and the Senate were only open two months a year, where they did nothing except preserve our Constitution. We believe in low taxes because low taxes allows us to be free and help provide a strong economy for all.

The government is not responsible for retirement, welfare and all these crazy programs and wasteful spending. We as conservatives believe people are smart and intelligent on how to live their lives. The adversay to conservatives, "liberals" believe that the individual is incompetent and incapable of taking care of themselves. They believe that the government must be all and do everything for everyone. That is how we got to the mess we are in now. Conservatives, however, believe that "the individual" is competent and can choose how best to take care of himself/herself and their own families.

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