Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Constitution of the United States

There is a beautiful document which unfortunately most people in our country have never read, do not understand and are now questioning it's value. I am extremely saddened to discover this reality. We allegedly have several years of education that every citizen had the opportunity to learn and understand our Constitution of the United States.

If you have not read it, please do now:

It is truly what sets United States as the best country in the world. It founded this country from many men and women sacrificing their lives and all they had to provide for the benefit of all the people. They learned from the corruption of many governments in foreign lands, they established this great document which I am failing to give justice. Please read it over and over again to realize the majesty of what this means for our country. It has provided us with freedoms to live our lives happily and prosperous. We are the richest country in the world with more freedoms than all. It (if enforced), prevents corruption in government - there are so many checks and balances, there are basic freedoms people in the past could only dream. Why have people flocked to the United States? because of the freedoms and the beautiful country we live in made possible by the Constitution of the United States.

If people only understood the Constitution, would they understand the role of government and appreciate the significance of it in their lives. The Constitution is under threat today because people don't understand it and the people if they turn on the Constitution or try to change it will lead to a government full of corruption and tyranny which the founders of this country tried to prevent by signing this Constitution into law.

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