Monday, June 22, 2009

Fox News - Are they biased ?

Please read my previous post about the "Media" if you have not already done so.

Is Fox News biased ? Some think so, some think that Fox News is totally right wing, conservative only. They think that it is the only news channel that is biased. Is that correct ? Well please read what I have to say below.

I think Fox News is the only channel on TV which shows all the views from all sides. I think it is the news channel which presents news in the most fair and unbiased way. There are definitely shows on Fox News where you will see individuals with biased opinions. However, you will see views from individuals in all categories of the following: democrat, independent, republican, left, right, conservative, liberal, moderate, etc.

Many Americans feel that all of the other news on TV and in the newspaper are completely liberal and democrat biased. This is the first news channel in which Americans can see at least some of what their views are represented. So, is there bias on Fox News, yes, but all sides are represented.

I think people who side and agree with the bias on the mainstream media, are hearing the conservative and independent voices on Fox News for the first time, and since they haven't heard it before, are thinking that they are biased. Also, another factor in this is hearsay about Fox News (for those having not watched it themselves) think that it is biased. It is just like anything else, people should not talk about something to which they have not spent a few minutes checking out for themselves. I think if every American would just listen or watch Fox News for thirty minutes (regular news) doesn't even have to be Hannity or any particular show they could then distinguish between bias and unbias as shown on other news channels.

You know, in order to find out if a Snickers candy bar tastes good, why not take a bite of it? Don't just listen to others and hope that the statements made by others are accurate, taste it yourself. The same with Fox News, watch a little bit of it and decide for yourself what you think of it.

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