Monday, June 29, 2009


It is amazing that there are so many examples of bad healthcare, and yet our federal government is heading toward enacting exactly what has failed so many times before. Let me provide some examples and explanation please.

The federal government already has different forms of healthcare all-of which are ineffective and corrupt. Many who have tried them, are not happy. We already have Medicare, we already have an entire healthcare system for veterans, an entire healthcare system for our military. Have any of those been successful? NO. Yet, we want to try a new universal healthcare system nationwide ? hmm.

Now let's also look at other examples of universal healthcare tried - in Canada, Europe, Russia, other countries. All of them failed. There is rationing and the government gets the luxury of deciding who gets care and who does not. All the decisions come down to money? Since when have we been happy with anything our government has done for us? Now, who wants to leave decisions in the hands of the government.

There are so many angles that we look at this, and none of them are good.

* Who wants the federal government to have their personal information. If this is enacted, the federal government will know every thing about all of us. Talk about fear of big government?

* Party lines. Who might be worried about voting for a certain party, based on who is seated in government. Someone who needs a transplant of some kind might fear voting a certain path for being denied healthcare. Might this be another concern ?

* The government hasn't gotten anything right, except the Constitution. Social Security failed, welfare hasn't diminished homeless or unemployment, the money never gets to the right places, the US Post Office is bankrupt. Fannie Mae and Freddi Mac fiasco cause the depression we are in now. Look at all the failures.

* Look at the last time you've gone to the DMV to get a license. How is that? Look at your experience at getting a passport ? What is your experience going through airport security? Now, this is how government does business. Is this how you want your healthcare run ?

* How do you like your healthcare insurance now? Well do you think it's going to be better when there is one source and you deal with the government ? The reason why healthcare is screwed up now, is because of government involvement. The healthcare insurance has evolved over these years according to government policies and regulations. So the reason why it sucks is because of them. Why does the government keep getting a free pass and not held accountable for it's failures ?

* Why are the unions getting an exemption from the health care tax? Yes, all of us are going to be taxed for healthcare now. Our paychecks will be smaller because now we will be taxed full amount of our income and will not get a deduction for paying premiums of our health care. But unions don't have to pay this? Why ? because of the hypocrisy of Democrats. If you don't understand Unions - they are the failure for capitalism and business everywhere also. Every industry that is failing now and through time, you will find a union and/or government meddling forcing regulations that are uncalled for and none of their damn business.

* Finally, if this passes, quality doctors will be forced out. No competition will exist and we will have one choice - the federal government and that is it. Oh and one more, this will give free healthcare to illegals and we have to foot the bill while diminishing our freedom and ability to have high quality healthcare. No more will people come to the US for our healthcare like they do today, we will have to try to find another country to get high quality healthcare, and where will that be ?

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