Oh, thank goodness for this great president Obama! He is really saving our economy and we are increasing in wealth and prosperity every day! NOT!
Here's his wonderful contributions so far, and it's been a short time:
(they may be out of order but frankly because it's hard to capture everything, and I might have missed some things frankly)
1. Given TARP money and bailouts to automakers
2. Given TARP money and bailuots to banks (even if they didn't want it, they were forced to sign contracts and give up things in exchange (secret things, obviously)). The government would not even let one bank repay the TARP money which they were able to do so. The reason being, that they wanted to dictate terms. They wanted to own and control the business.
3. $ 3.27 stimulus bill which was supposed to magically solve all our problems, all of which I have seen no one benefit and our economy is still worse than ever, and unemployment figures are double digit, foreclosures rising (still to this day).
4. Obama unconstitutionally gave powers to 13 or 14 czars. Noone is stopping this or questioning it. The Senate didn't even grant or weigh in on this. They just do what Obama wants and they have more power than his cabinet.
5. Obama owns some of the banks, dictating salaries of CEO's. What this means is that now the government unconstitutionally can dictate salaries of anyone if they so choose.
6. Obama unconstitutionally now owns Chrysler and GM. We should not have government in our market. Every time the government meddles in our private sector, those industries die. How do you think we got where we were? Government meddling.
7. Obama unconstitutionally fired the CEO's of Chrysler and GM.
8. Obama unconstitutionally robbed the stockholders of GM and Chrysler and took what they owned (the company) and gave it to the unions. (their special interest buddies)
9. Obama closed 15 plants in GM and closed 1 out of every 4 plants for Chrysler. The automakers so bankrupt even after all the bailouts and even after all of this money, lots of job losses. None of the closings of the dealerships were based on revenue or productivity. It is speculative that it is based on some political or fund-raising reason.
10. Caterpillar was promised lots of money in construction from the stimulus but obviously that didn't happen. They have laid off so many people.
11. Obama imposes higher fuel efficiency standards. How is this supposed to help? Our automakers are now bankrupt, this will increase cost for them? It doesn't help us Americans either in this depression - it makes things cost more and it doesn't put money in anyone's pocket? It appeases "special interests" that's it.
12. ACORN, the scandalous group trying to defend themselves for voter fraud among other charges, was awarded and selected by Obama to manage the Census. What a crock? They should use a reputable firm or why not use the US Post Office, maybe divert that money to them and help them not be bankrupt
13. US Post Office officially bankrupt
14. Obama trying to silence free speech (under the table). Originally called the "Fairness Doctrine", then he changed the name to something else
15. Obama and the media telling businessmen, not to fly corporate jets anywhere, yet Obama flies a jet (with calvary of secret service) for a date with his wife. This is just crap. This has led to killing other industries in catering and jets.
16. Obama telling businesses they cannot give people bonuses. Both Congress and Obama knew that AIG had contracts to give bonuses to their people. Yet, after the fact, they deny this and the media reports this irresponsively, leading to death threats on small employees at AIG. They were forced to surrender their bonuses. Yet, both the government employees awarded themselves billions in bonuses this quarter, and both the government and media didn't say anything when Goldman Sachs (who were awarded TARP money), just gave their employees bonuses.
17. Obama told businesses not to have meetings or conventions in Las Vegas. What is the result? Hurting the economy, and tanking the economy especially in Las Vegas. Now the tourism industry there is suffering. And does it stop there? No, because our economy is global and ripples everywhere.
18. The stock market tanked when Obama was elected even more than it was and it has steadily declined every day he is in office. 1/3 of the world's wealth has been lost, and many of our retirement and personal money is lost in the stock markets. This money is money used by us as retirement, but it is money / capital used by our companies. When this is lost, it is the wealth of our country, it is not the "big business" as media likes to portray as evil. Frankly, all of this affects all of us. It is naive to not understand capitalism and how business operates in the world.
19. Obama is responsible for the largest single year increase in spending since World War II. Ths spending and budget is larger than all the federal budgets combined for the last decades.
20. Obama also owns CBSD news. He had his sole show on health care at the White House. Wow! what we have come to in our country
21. Obama is closing Gitmo, Guantamano Bay. Hmmm. It shouldn't be a problem to release terrorists altogether, or in the United States. This was a resort for crying out loud. They complain about this. It was a perfect place to harbor terrrorists. They are not prisoners, they are terrorists. Does no one care about our security anymore ?
22. Obama administration trying to ram Card Check legislation through. Do you know what this is? It is trying to force unions on every single industry and not only that but to have public votes so that people can be ramrodded, and intimidated if they don't vote for the union. Every industry that is failing, you will see either 1, 2 or both of these factors: government meddling and unions. Unions do not help anyone, except themselves. Look at the facts. Unions have a lot in common with democrat liberals. They are one in the same. They want power and they want money.
23. Obama wanted to have a person voted on the Supreme Court with "empathy", and so he found Ms. Sotomayor. Yes, she is full of empathy. But you know what it is unconstitutional and against the oath you must make when you become a Supreme Court judge. Ms. Sotomayor even publicly stated that she does not believe what she will need to state in her oath to become a Supreme Court Judge. So basically Obama wants someone in the Supreme Court to do what he is doing, go against the Constitution.
24. Obama wants to socialize healthcare. Frankly this will lead to all the failures of all the other social health care programs around the world. Everyone in the past has come here for our superior health care. That will stop. Now there will be nowhere to go. We already had our own national healthcare tried before - look at veteran health care, look at military healthcare, and I believe there is one other which I do not recall now. All of them are failures and don't work.
25. Unemployment is in double digits, economy is worse than ever, the stock market is pathetic
26. Obama asking Senate to grant Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner, extra power to seize non-bank financial companies, investment firms and hedge funds.
27. Biggest tax hike on tobacco, everyone is complaining. This really helps the economy doesn't it? When you see people smoking you should thank them for helping to pay for many of our taxes.
28. House and Senate approve $3.5 trillion budgets. Money is no object for our government
29. Federal government gives themselves $1.3 billion more in bonuses, yet AIG insurance was not allowed to do so
30. The Los Angeles Unified School district pays 160 union members roughly $10 million a year to do nothing
31. Obama hindering CIA's ability to prevent terror attacks by allowing them to be sued and preventing them from using the tools necessary to keep us safe
32. Obama called military veterans a threat, lumping them with terrorists.
33. China won't buy our debt, which tyhey and Japan own most of it. In fact, they're seeking a foreign currency because they know the value of our dollar is plummeting or will do so with all the destructive things Obama is doing
34. H.R. 2454 - The Cap & Trade Tax. This is a bill they just signed about pollution and global warming, all of which is a hoax. How is this going to help our economy? It will not in the least. It taxes carbon dioxide including things like soda. It also dictates that home owners and builders must live up to basically California codes which will cost more money anytime you change something in your house or change owners or purchase a new house or try to sell property. Our economy is bad, and our housing market is bad, yet hey let's throw on a bunch of meaningless regulations that will cost more money and make people's current property lose value. So basically another way to screw us and destroy the economy further all in the name of special interests.
35. Obama is possibly considering reverting the 22nd amendment to allow a President to serve more than 2 terms.
Wonderful stuff isn't it. So far, I have not seen a positive thing help my fellow citizens. I have not seen anyone, low class, middle class or upper class benefit from any of this. We are equally hit hard by more taxes, less money and losing freedoms every day. Foreign countries laugh and see clearly what is going on, while our media and citizens blindly live their lives, oblivious to what is happening to our great country.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
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