Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Biggest Clunker of Clunkers for Cash

So the good news, then the bad news.

The Good News:

Finally something that might be able to call "Stimulus" which is not in the magical wonderful stimulus package! It's not entirely stimulus, but it's the first evidence or piece of something that shows some shred of stimulus. In other words, it's the first little tiny bit of money which allegedly has gotten into hands of the people in this country. The other stuff called "Stimulus" in the past everyone has given up on and is slowly realizing what it really was. So, if this was real stimulus though, it would not be conditional. Many raced to car dealerships to trade in their "clunkers" or to try to apply for this program. If someone was lucky enough to qualify, could they buy any car of their choice? No. So how is that stimulus. Many families needed a car with enough seats to seat their children and families, they quickly found out that they were forced to choose a small economical car with few seats. But for the families that qualified and found a car they could be satisfied with, this was finally some money back in their pockets. For them, you can call this stimulus. If it was real stimulus, how about giving people money back or a rebate of some kind for real things such as food, clothing, things that are needed in a bad economy. And no way in hell is it over. When you see Newsweek stating that the economy is over, isn't that proof enough the state of our media and the deceit and corruption.

The Bad News:

So the federal government implemented this program Clunkers for Cash. It took only 4 days for us to find out how capable our federal government is at succeeding at anything. The biggest joke, is this was a measley chump change program, maybe a billion dollars at most. It took 4 days, and the federal government ran out of money in this program. They continually demonstrate that they don't know what they're doing, they can't get anything right. Why do the citizens of this country still believe that our federal government can get anything right? Why do they still believe that the federal government should change or touch anything? Every time the federal government has meddled in something, they have screwed it up with several consequences: Taking away our freedoms, stealing more of our money, wasting it, causing the poor people to remain poorer, causing the middle class to be in misery, never able to get ahead. Then the federal government denies responsibility for the mess, and claim they need to reform it. Look at the health industry. Kennedy implemented HMO's a long time ago, most corrupt system that didn't work. Then he said we needed to reform it, then we have had health insurance reform every year after. The housing industry was destroyed by the federal government through Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, yet they deny it. The federal government is responsible for oil and increase in gas prices with their taxes on it, and regulations. They now own automotive companies, what do you think will happen. This program really was a subsidy to help their new company, Government Motors, but it backfired. Instead they are helping their competitors such as Toyota.

So the biggest clunker that is polluting our world and our lives, is the federal government of the United States. How about we trade that in for cash. I'm playing with the words here. But seriously, if the citizens would wake up and fight back, we need to seriously change the big clunker, the federal government to how it should be. If we fail to do so, the economy will continue to falter in spite of all of us trying to avert the disasters of everything the government touches.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Obama's Stamp on America

Oh, thank goodness for this great president Obama! He is really saving our economy and we are increasing in wealth and prosperity every day! NOT!

Here's his wonderful contributions so far, and it's been a short time:

(they may be out of order but frankly because it's hard to capture everything, and I might have missed some things frankly)

1. Given TARP money and bailouts to automakers
2. Given TARP money and bailuots to banks (even if they didn't want it, they were forced to sign contracts and give up things in exchange (secret things, obviously)). The government would not even let one bank repay the TARP money which they were able to do so. The reason being, that they wanted to dictate terms. They wanted to own and control the business.

3. $ 3.27 stimulus bill which was supposed to magically solve all our problems, all of which I have seen no one benefit and our economy is still worse than ever, and unemployment figures are double digit, foreclosures rising (still to this day).

4. Obama unconstitutionally gave powers to 13 or 14 czars. Noone is stopping this or questioning it. The Senate didn't even grant or weigh in on this. They just do what Obama wants and they have more power than his cabinet.

5. Obama owns some of the banks, dictating salaries of CEO's. What this means is that now the government unconstitutionally can dictate salaries of anyone if they so choose.

6. Obama unconstitutionally now owns Chrysler and GM. We should not have government in our market. Every time the government meddles in our private sector, those industries die. How do you think we got where we were? Government meddling.

7. Obama unconstitutionally fired the CEO's of Chrysler and GM.
8. Obama unconstitutionally robbed the stockholders of GM and Chrysler and took what they owned (the company) and gave it to the unions. (their special interest buddies)
9. Obama closed 15 plants in GM and closed 1 out of every 4 plants for Chrysler. The automakers so bankrupt even after all the bailouts and even after all of this money, lots of job losses. None of the closings of the dealerships were based on revenue or productivity. It is speculative that it is based on some political or fund-raising reason.

10. Caterpillar was promised lots of money in construction from the stimulus but obviously that didn't happen. They have laid off so many people.

11. Obama imposes higher fuel efficiency standards. How is this supposed to help? Our automakers are now bankrupt, this will increase cost for them? It doesn't help us Americans either in this depression - it makes things cost more and it doesn't put money in anyone's pocket? It appeases "special interests" that's it.

12. ACORN, the scandalous group trying to defend themselves for voter fraud among other charges, was awarded and selected by Obama to manage the Census. What a crock? They should use a reputable firm or why not use the US Post Office, maybe divert that money to them and help them not be bankrupt

13. US Post Office officially bankrupt

14. Obama trying to silence free speech (under the table). Originally called the "Fairness Doctrine", then he changed the name to something else

15. Obama and the media telling businessmen, not to fly corporate jets anywhere, yet Obama flies a jet (with calvary of secret service) for a date with his wife. This is just crap. This has led to killing other industries in catering and jets.

16. Obama telling businesses they cannot give people bonuses. Both Congress and Obama knew that AIG had contracts to give bonuses to their people. Yet, after the fact, they deny this and the media reports this irresponsively, leading to death threats on small employees at AIG. They were forced to surrender their bonuses. Yet, both the government employees awarded themselves billions in bonuses this quarter, and both the government and media didn't say anything when Goldman Sachs (who were awarded TARP money), just gave their employees bonuses.

17. Obama told businesses not to have meetings or conventions in Las Vegas. What is the result? Hurting the economy, and tanking the economy especially in Las Vegas. Now the tourism industry there is suffering. And does it stop there? No, because our economy is global and ripples everywhere.

18. The stock market tanked when Obama was elected even more than it was and it has steadily declined every day he is in office. 1/3 of the world's wealth has been lost, and many of our retirement and personal money is lost in the stock markets. This money is money used by us as retirement, but it is money / capital used by our companies. When this is lost, it is the wealth of our country, it is not the "big business" as media likes to portray as evil. Frankly, all of this affects all of us. It is naive to not understand capitalism and how business operates in the world.

19. Obama is responsible for the largest single year increase in spending since World War II. Ths spending and budget is larger than all the federal budgets combined for the last decades.

20. Obama also owns CBSD news. He had his sole show on health care at the White House. Wow! what we have come to in our country

21. Obama is closing Gitmo, Guantamano Bay. Hmmm. It shouldn't be a problem to release terrorists altogether, or in the United States. This was a resort for crying out loud. They complain about this. It was a perfect place to harbor terrrorists. They are not prisoners, they are terrorists. Does no one care about our security anymore ?

22. Obama administration trying to ram Card Check legislation through. Do you know what this is? It is trying to force unions on every single industry and not only that but to have public votes so that people can be ramrodded, and intimidated if they don't vote for the union. Every industry that is failing, you will see either 1, 2 or both of these factors: government meddling and unions. Unions do not help anyone, except themselves. Look at the facts. Unions have a lot in common with democrat liberals. They are one in the same. They want power and they want money.

23. Obama wanted to have a person voted on the Supreme Court with "empathy", and so he found Ms. Sotomayor. Yes, she is full of empathy. But you know what it is unconstitutional and against the oath you must make when you become a Supreme Court judge. Ms. Sotomayor even publicly stated that she does not believe what she will need to state in her oath to become a Supreme Court Judge. So basically Obama wants someone in the Supreme Court to do what he is doing, go against the Constitution.

24. Obama wants to socialize healthcare. Frankly this will lead to all the failures of all the other social health care programs around the world. Everyone in the past has come here for our superior health care. That will stop. Now there will be nowhere to go. We already had our own national healthcare tried before - look at veteran health care, look at military healthcare, and I believe there is one other which I do not recall now. All of them are failures and don't work.

25. Unemployment is in double digits, economy is worse than ever, the stock market is pathetic

26. Obama asking Senate to grant Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner, extra power to seize non-bank financial companies, investment firms and hedge funds.

27. Biggest tax hike on tobacco, everyone is complaining. This really helps the economy doesn't it? When you see people smoking you should thank them for helping to pay for many of our taxes.

28. House and Senate approve $3.5 trillion budgets. Money is no object for our government

29. Federal government gives themselves $1.3 billion more in bonuses, yet AIG insurance was not allowed to do so

30. The Los Angeles Unified School district pays 160 union members roughly $10 million a year to do nothing

31. Obama hindering CIA's ability to prevent terror attacks by allowing them to be sued and preventing them from using the tools necessary to keep us safe

32. Obama called military veterans a threat, lumping them with terrorists.

33. China won't buy our debt, which tyhey and Japan own most of it. In fact, they're seeking a foreign currency because they know the value of our dollar is plummeting or will do so with all the destructive things Obama is doing

34. H.R. 2454 - The Cap & Trade Tax. This is a bill they just signed about pollution and global warming, all of which is a hoax. How is this going to help our economy? It will not in the least. It taxes carbon dioxide including things like soda. It also dictates that home owners and builders must live up to basically California codes which will cost more money anytime you change something in your house or change owners or purchase a new house or try to sell property. Our economy is bad, and our housing market is bad, yet hey let's throw on a bunch of meaningless regulations that will cost more money and make people's current property lose value. So basically another way to screw us and destroy the economy further all in the name of special interests.

35. Obama is possibly considering reverting the 22nd amendment to allow a President to serve more than 2 terms.

Wonderful stuff isn't it. So far, I have not seen a positive thing help my fellow citizens. I have not seen anyone, low class, middle class or upper class benefit from any of this. We are equally hit hard by more taxes, less money and losing freedoms every day. Foreign countries laugh and see clearly what is going on, while our media and citizens blindly live their lives, oblivious to what is happening to our great country.

Truth about Obama's Stimulus Package 20099

Oh how wonderful this stimulus package is! Oh how wonderful, the impact it has had on our economy. Our economy just skyrocketed by this! NOT! Please use some common sense here.

Obama keeps promising transparency and that we can hold him accountable for what he says. But every single time he opens his mouth it's a lie. His words don't match his actions. But his loving, and worshipping media fans report whatever he says as truth without questioning any of it. That's the hypocrisy of the media. While the entire world watches the destruction of our country and the stupidity of us and fear for how it will impact them, we, the citizens and media blindly believe whatever is reported on national media. Not once, has Obama mentioned any of the details truthfully of his stimulus package. I'm not going to mention all of them, but I will list a few and you tell me how it has put money in the hands of those who need it, and you tell me how this has "stimulated" our economy.

* Clean, efficient energy. How is any amount of money spent on clean and efficient energy going to help anyone get a job or put money in anyone's hand. It will not and has not. In fact, this is just one of the democrat parties biggest special interests

* Roads and construction. How is any amount of money spent on this going to lead to jobs and putting money in anyone's pocket. Well it probably is more likely to do so than the other items on this list. But think about it for a minute. How many people work on roads and construction ? Not many. Another factor, most of these are already budgeted into state and local governments. It just might mean there are more projects. Also, who are the types of people that work on roads and construction? Usually illegals and people of lower class who already have jobs. There is always demand for these jobs. So does this really put money in people's hands? no. In fact, Obama promised a construction company on national TV, named Caterpillar that they would have to hire so many new people. Well he talked to the CEO, the CEO was later reporting and people from Caterpillar sharing stories on the news that they in fact did not see that money, and actually had to lay people off. How is that for you ?

* Money to states. Well that's great, it will help some states get more out of debt. The democrat led states like California, New York are bankrupt and can't manage their money. So they got a bunch of cash. But they still remain in the red. But great, give them money. Does the money come to us ? NO. Has anyone benefited from this? NO

* Tax Cuts. Now look closely at this. It has been a long time now. Out of the trillions or billions of dollars, less than 10% of it resulted in tax cuts. So guess what this resulted in, allegedly was $7 per week of tax cuts to certain individuals (allegedly everyone). But even still, it wasn't a tax cut, because whoever got this (which I still have not met anyone who got it), has to give it back when they pay taxes in April. So it's a slap in the face. Trillions of dollars are wasted, and Obama can't even give a lousy $7 to people. This is the thing that might "Stimulate" the economy. When President Bush implemented "real tax cuts" we all got a check in the mail, and could use it right away. The stock market skyrocketed just at the mentioning of "tax cuts". With the stimulus the stock market is still sinking because people are smart and don't believe this crap. Also, the economy has not improved at all, it is getting worse, because not even these tax cuts were implemented. The only thing I can suspect is that maybe illegals got this tax cut, because I still have not seen it.

* Healthcare. Billions of dollars are thrown at steps to nationalize healthcare. How is this going to help anyone? It won't and hasn't. It doesn't put money in anyone's pocket

* Federal buildings. Billions of dollars are thrown at refurbishing, improving or changing federal buildings or government property. How is this going to put money in people's hands. It hasn't and won't. In fact, they already have a huge budget for things like this. They're trying to steal a crisis, to waste money on more government crap.

* Federal jobs. There might be a few more federal jobs created with this stimulus package. Will this result in anything positive? It might provide a few people with temporary jobs for the government. But honestly who wants to work for the government? And you know what this means? it means the government is getting bigger and we will have to pay for these people to have jobs? Why not, instead do something which might stimulate the economy the proper way, people can have jobs in the real market, so that we don't have to pay their salary. Otherwise we will perpetuate the debt and bad economy we already have. No common sense here at all.

* Energy research, other research. How in the world is doing "research" going to put money in people's pockets or stimulate the economy. It won't and hasn't. In fact, why the hell does the government need to do research. They already spend billions on research. This is just a sham where they are diverting money to special interests. The role of government is not "research" and they should look at history. Conservative policies work every time they're tried; Unfortunately they are not tried very often; Liberal policies have failed every time and we have a long record of those, do not repeat those, yet they still do.

* Federal fleet (vehicles). There already is a budget to replace and maintain vehicles and their fleets. No point adding this crap again

* Most of the money won't be spent until 2010 or even later. How is this stimulus ?

* As you can see, Obama said we were desperate to get this signed right away. Members of Congress were not even given 12 hours to read it. Every member of Congress signed this without even reading it. What a scam? What do you think about your Congressmen, they signed something before reading it? Obama promised, that nothing would be signed until it had been fully disclosed on a website for the public to read for 7 days, he further said Congress would have time to read everything. None of that happened.

* If Obama really wanted to stimulate the economy, he would have followed the success of Ronald Reagan and President Bush. He, instead, rammed a long list of "special interest" agenda's through and called it "stimulus". The market has responded so well hasn't it? Do you feel stimulated ?

Monday, June 29, 2009

Oil - Soooo misunderstood

It is so amazing that "OIL" is so political and the cause of so much debate.

Oil, is a huge and significant, beneficial part of our world. Why does it get blamed for so many problems?

First of all, there is talk about decreasing our dependency on foreign countries for oil. This is obviously a good thing to do. Doing so would actually decrease the cost (more than it is now). Doing so would allow us to be self-reliant and not deal with others. We have plenty of oil in our country, yet the hypocrisy is that one party will not authorize drilling or pursuing this endeavor. That same party politicizes and lies to the country about oil and who profits from it severely. One party at one point blamed a war's incentive for oil, which is entirely insane. I will not speak further about this. One must only look at the facts and use common sense.

When oil came about, it had several advantages. Frankly, there are a lot of issues to produce electricity and energy. We use electricity in homes for air conditioners, appliances, etc. and we use energy in automobiles, planes, military, etc. Oil is the key to all of this. There are many complicated issues to deal with energy: storage, distribution, production, etc. Oil was the cheapest to produce, there was a viable means to store it and distribute it. Simply in all facets, oil is the cheapest.

There are alternatives to oil, such as wind and nuclear. Frankly, nuclear is the 2nd best to oil, but we were never permitted to pursue it. Obama is fine with Iran using nuclear energy (allegedly that's what they're using it for), however, we can't use it ourselves. Other sources though, such as wind, there are too many issues with it. Wind doesn't exist all the time, you can't store wind, it just doesn't work, and it is extremely costly.

You know, oil frankly works very well. The reason why oil ends up being expensive to us as customers is not because of the guys who make oil. Frankly oil / gas hasn't increased in price as much as most other things such as milk and other stuff. But since the guys in Washington make this a political issue for their own gain, then they try to make the public afraid of oil, trying to inflate issues where they are not there. Simply the reason why gas ends up being expensive is for other reasons.

So why is gas expensive ? Because first of all, there are so many taxes? there are federal taxes, state taxes of several kinds. Never, when the public is outraged at high prices of gas, does the government lower those taxes or remove them? No, they in fact keep it hidden that taxes are in the cost of gas. Also, the other reason why gas is expensive is that the government requires that different formulas and types of gas are produced. So they ration what is produced out of different mixes and octanes of gasolines for different regions of the country and for different vehicles. Like all other industries the government tries to regulate, those either stifle business or they increase the price of the product being regulated so we Americans have to pay more money for the product.

So every time the government talks about this, they have their "special interests" screwing us every time and they continue to be able to fly by under the radar not being blamed for the high prices of gas.

Now the government is trying to force us to buy hybrids. Frankly, hybrids are not what Americans want. If they wanted them, they would be buying them in droves. They are slow, if any performance or power is to be found in them, then they have to have an engine that consumes gas alongside the battery power. And frankly, how are they going to recharge the hybrid (at least earlier models - had to plug in to electricity in the home, which uses what? ) - oil. So it is so hypocritical. We are wasting time and money as government always does. We have something that works well, if they would just leave it alone, we would have our freedoms and not pay through the roof.

Has anyone talked to their electric provider about alternative sources of energy? I have, we all could elect to use alternative energy for our homes power. But did you then look at the price tag? So much more. And who is doing it? None of us. Frankly, it is the good old oil, which works the best for all of us. It has so many good qualities and is easy to meet all our needs.


It is amazing that there are so many examples of bad healthcare, and yet our federal government is heading toward enacting exactly what has failed so many times before. Let me provide some examples and explanation please.

The federal government already has different forms of healthcare all-of which are ineffective and corrupt. Many who have tried them, are not happy. We already have Medicare, we already have an entire healthcare system for veterans, an entire healthcare system for our military. Have any of those been successful? NO. Yet, we want to try a new universal healthcare system nationwide ? hmm.

Now let's also look at other examples of universal healthcare tried - in Canada, Europe, Russia, other countries. All of them failed. There is rationing and the government gets the luxury of deciding who gets care and who does not. All the decisions come down to money? Since when have we been happy with anything our government has done for us? Now, who wants to leave decisions in the hands of the government.

There are so many angles that we look at this, and none of them are good.

* Who wants the federal government to have their personal information. If this is enacted, the federal government will know every thing about all of us. Talk about fear of big government?

* Party lines. Who might be worried about voting for a certain party, based on who is seated in government. Someone who needs a transplant of some kind might fear voting a certain path for being denied healthcare. Might this be another concern ?

* The government hasn't gotten anything right, except the Constitution. Social Security failed, welfare hasn't diminished homeless or unemployment, the money never gets to the right places, the US Post Office is bankrupt. Fannie Mae and Freddi Mac fiasco cause the depression we are in now. Look at all the failures.

* Look at the last time you've gone to the DMV to get a license. How is that? Look at your experience at getting a passport ? What is your experience going through airport security? Now, this is how government does business. Is this how you want your healthcare run ?

* How do you like your healthcare insurance now? Well do you think it's going to be better when there is one source and you deal with the government ? The reason why healthcare is screwed up now, is because of government involvement. The healthcare insurance has evolved over these years according to government policies and regulations. So the reason why it sucks is because of them. Why does the government keep getting a free pass and not held accountable for it's failures ?

* Why are the unions getting an exemption from the health care tax? Yes, all of us are going to be taxed for healthcare now. Our paychecks will be smaller because now we will be taxed full amount of our income and will not get a deduction for paying premiums of our health care. But unions don't have to pay this? Why ? because of the hypocrisy of Democrats. If you don't understand Unions - they are the failure for capitalism and business everywhere also. Every industry that is failing now and through time, you will find a union and/or government meddling forcing regulations that are uncalled for and none of their damn business.

* Finally, if this passes, quality doctors will be forced out. No competition will exist and we will have one choice - the federal government and that is it. Oh and one more, this will give free healthcare to illegals and we have to foot the bill while diminishing our freedom and ability to have high quality healthcare. No more will people come to the US for our healthcare like they do today, we will have to try to find another country to get high quality healthcare, and where will that be ?

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I keep seeing this guy on TV all day long every day

Who is this guy who is on TV all day long, every day? Do you know who I'm talking about? I think this guy is obsessed with himself, he can not go for any length of time without being in front of the TV. Guess who? President Obama. I can't think of another President who has been on TV more than President Obama.

I think if Jay Leno did the reality stunts of "Jay Walk" where we find all the ignorant people in the country, I don't think it's possible to find one anymore who would not know and recognize President Obama. Maybe that was his objective, he did appear on the Night Show right?

Constitution of the United States

There is a beautiful document which unfortunately most people in our country have never read, do not understand and are now questioning it's value. I am extremely saddened to discover this reality. We allegedly have several years of education that every citizen had the opportunity to learn and understand our Constitution of the United States.

If you have not read it, please do now:

It is truly what sets United States as the best country in the world. It founded this country from many men and women sacrificing their lives and all they had to provide for the benefit of all the people. They learned from the corruption of many governments in foreign lands, they established this great document which I am failing to give justice. Please read it over and over again to realize the majesty of what this means for our country. It has provided us with freedoms to live our lives happily and prosperous. We are the richest country in the world with more freedoms than all. It (if enforced), prevents corruption in government - there are so many checks and balances, there are basic freedoms people in the past could only dream. Why have people flocked to the United States? because of the freedoms and the beautiful country we live in made possible by the Constitution of the United States.

If people only understood the Constitution, would they understand the role of government and appreciate the significance of it in their lives. The Constitution is under threat today because people don't understand it and the people if they turn on the Constitution or try to change it will lead to a government full of corruption and tyranny which the founders of this country tried to prevent by signing this Constitution into law.


I find it very interesting to watch and listen to President Obama speak. He is said to have very good communication skills. I think of all the good that we could benefit from someone who had good communication skills if what was being communicated was accurate and true. Another thing I observe with President Obama is that he always takess time to speak slowly and very calculated. It reminds me of President Clinton. Yet, though he has good communication skills I do not see him state anything of significance, it's very political, going around the bush. LOL. no pun intended.

But, the sad thing though is that President Obama has to rely on a teleprompter. When he first started, he only had one teleprompter to speak the words to him. He got into lots of trouble by speaking the lines of other people in conversations. He at one time introduced himself (someone else was supposed to do that; I forgot the instance when this happened, but there have been many of these). Critics complained at one point that he just stared into the teleprompter and never looked at the audience, then he magically got two teleprompters. Now you will see him turn his head like a puppet - guess what he is doing? He is turning from one teleprompter to the other, trying to make it seem like he is not looking at one.

I personally find it more appealing to just speak off the cuff and speak from the heart. Any conservative knows what he believes and can speak from passion and the beliefs. We never change our policies because there is no need to change things that work. So since our policies are successful every time they are tried, we don't need to worry about mis-stating things. There's a simple reality, just like gravity is constant, so is the logic and common sense of conservatism (when understood properly). Other politicians fail to find a rational thought to combat the common sense of conservatism, so instead they rely on fear tactics instead of using logic and explanation.

Oh, I forgot, besides the teleprompter, it is very annoying when Obama in several speaches (in public), turned and said "That's correct right Greg" referring to Greg Craig. It almost sounds like Greg was running the show in many instances. I think he stopped doing this, but I don't know for sure.

I just find it insulting to the public that a President at such critical times as this, has the nerve to spend money and speak from a teleprompter and speak to us like children with his slow speech as if we are ignorant.

Oh, the hilarious moment was at one speech Joe Biden was speaking with the military and it was windy, one of the teleprompters fell over. Joe said in public, "Oh know, now what will President Obama do". It was hilarious.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Fox News - Are they biased ?

Please read my previous post about the "Media" if you have not already done so.

Is Fox News biased ? Some think so, some think that Fox News is totally right wing, conservative only. They think that it is the only news channel that is biased. Is that correct ? Well please read what I have to say below.

I think Fox News is the only channel on TV which shows all the views from all sides. I think it is the news channel which presents news in the most fair and unbiased way. There are definitely shows on Fox News where you will see individuals with biased opinions. However, you will see views from individuals in all categories of the following: democrat, independent, republican, left, right, conservative, liberal, moderate, etc.

Many Americans feel that all of the other news on TV and in the newspaper are completely liberal and democrat biased. This is the first news channel in which Americans can see at least some of what their views are represented. So, is there bias on Fox News, yes, but all sides are represented.

I think people who side and agree with the bias on the mainstream media, are hearing the conservative and independent voices on Fox News for the first time, and since they haven't heard it before, are thinking that they are biased. Also, another factor in this is hearsay about Fox News (for those having not watched it themselves) think that it is biased. It is just like anything else, people should not talk about something to which they have not spent a few minutes checking out for themselves. I think if every American would just listen or watch Fox News for thirty minutes (regular news) doesn't even have to be Hannity or any particular show they could then distinguish between bias and unbias as shown on other news channels.

You know, in order to find out if a Snickers candy bar tastes good, why not take a bite of it? Don't just listen to others and hope that the statements made by others are accurate, taste it yourself. The same with Fox News, watch a little bit of it and decide for yourself what you think of it.

Who do we listen to?

Most of America used to read the news from newspapers every morning and get their news on TV stations such as NBC, CBS and ABC after work every night. That was the primary source of news. These sources of news are often called "Media" or "Mainstream Media". All of these are going out of business and are bankrupt, there is severe decline in readership and/or viewership. Does anyone know why ?

I will tell you why in a minute. Before I do, I wanted to mention a few things about Reporters. It used to be the case that reporters were taught to follow a "code" when reporting news. A good reporter was known for remaining unbiased and representing views from both sides of an argument. Many reporters around the world continue this practice of sharing both views, however, most of the reporting done in newspapers today and the "mainstream media" do not do this at all. In fact, they are extremely biased toward "democrats".

So if you ask why the mainstream media is going bankrupt and losing viewership/readership, it seems to correlate exactly with the decline of being unbiased. Over the last decade I have personally observed the change in the media to only report one-side and show stark treatment of the news. Most people have caught on and as they do catch on, they stop watching or listening and get their news from other sources. Now there are several sources to obtain news, and people are choosing those alternative sources.

There are many examples of this bias, I will cite a couple here. In the last year of President Bush's term in office, the news on a daily basis told story after story about how bad the economy was. Now, while Obama is President, the economy is significantly worse than last year, yet no stories are reported about the bad economy at all. I have not even seen one. The news might quickly state what the unemployment figure is, but the media quickly glosses over it and tries to spin it in a positive way. They have spun it in positive ways by stating things like "the unemployment looks like it is stagnant and it should rise". But no stories are provided, nothing more elaborated. The media takes every opportunity to politicize the news, when they should not. This in fact leads to people leaving mainstream media for alternative sources.

If you are in denial about this, please take a personal invesment in watching the news from different sources and then make your own conclusion. It is impossible to deny what has happened and what is happening here. Also, if you can look at the news in foreign countries vs here. You will find that the media here idolizes and worships Obama not saying one thing, or questioning one thing he is doing. Yet in foreign countries, it is the opposite. I will say no more. They illustrate exactly who they are for those who pay attention.

media - media bias - economy now vs. Bush

Monday, June 1, 2009


Does America, the best example of Capitalism, even know what Capitalism is ?

NO. It seems like they do not. The most thriving people in the world are us (the inhabitants of the great United States). Our system (up to now) is based on capitalism. No other country has it as good as ours. Many keep coming to our country seeking our system and freedoms because they know we have the best system. Yet, can you believe that this system is under attack. It has been slashed at on the corners through the last two decades, however, it is under major attack right now. I will explain in a minute.

To understand capitalism, you must also understand socialism and communism. Capitalism is a free markets where people and businesses can sell and buy products from each other. There are no regulations on prices, etc. It relies on people selling and buying things, setting their own prices. Frankly if something is a bad idea under this plan, or if a buyer is trying to sell something too expensive, people will stop buying it. So it regulates itself. It works so well. If there was no involvement from a government, there is no such thing as a "bad economy" or a "depression". Because in a free market system, it would self-correct. In this system, everyone has an incentive to produce high-quality products and have low prices when there is competition. It corrects itself, if something is made poorly or doesn't work, then people stop buying it, then that person will go out of business. But new businesses can be started, there are so many beautiful things about capitalism. It isn't a perfect system, but none are. It is, however, the most perfect system out of all of them.

Socialism has been tried several times. This is where there are many things nationalized by a government, and leads to high taxes. In this system, the government owns everything. In this system, people never are able to afford anything and their money can't buy anything because everything is nationalized. So for example, health care there are often long lines and you are denied service, leading to death in some cases. It is very frustrating because even if you manage to find money from somewhere, it doesn't matter - you get poor service. Most countries who have followed this system, are in dire straits, their countries are in debt, their people flee to other countries to earn money, and get health care or other services they need. Countries who follow this regime, have shown over time a very low standard of living.

Communism has been tried many times, and failed every single time. One of the best known example of Communism are countries led by dictators, one of the widest known Russia. That was a huge failure. It basically means everyone works, everyone shares everything. But really there is a lot of corruption. When there is no way for people to make more money than another and they have a poor standard of living, then there is no incentive to do anything, and what you are left with is nothing. It has failed everytime it was tried. Russia now is more democratic, they even implemented a flat percent tax I believe 12%. They have reported nothing but success. They no longer have the debts they faced, and they are more stable.

Truth be told, Capitalism works! Everyone is learning from our model.

However, over the last 2 decades there have been jabs at capitalism in our country. There have been regulations made by people in Washington who do not understand the first thing about what makes our country great. They listen to glut and the ears of special interests. There are key industries that have started to fail. If you look at the industries that are failing in the industry, there are regulations which do not allow them to be profitable. For example, the car industry which is one industry which is failing. They have regulations on what types of cars they must make. Really it should be "let the people decide". In a free market, if people don't like a car they won't buy it. Washington has been regulating that cars have to be certain economy types, and many other things. Fact of the matter, people still continue to buy big SUV's by the droves, even though they have the choice to buy economical cars. If the people wanted economical cars, they would buy them. They shouldn't be forced to build cars by the government that people don't want. Why do you think one reason they are going out of business ?

There are several regulations on banks also. So federal and state regulations on industries / businesses stifle growth. Look at every industry that is failing today, and you will likely find a union. Unions lead to so many problems because they hurt everyone. They most times force a business to agree to things which will increase their overhead and they will have less ability to make a profit. This leads to people losing jobs, and less money in the economy.

Our biggest threat on capitalism is happening today while people are not paying attention. President Obama is a deep threat and has already attacked our system. Now, we have the government deciding on where to throw money - at industries and businesses of their choosing. They now have a centralized bank - which is no longer a capitalist environment. This is extremely bad, it is affecting the ability for banks to compete and operate freely in the market. They now have czars in a few industries which pose a deep threat, imposing more regulations than ever. They have introduced limits on income for the banking industry, automobile industry. They have told businesses to stop having meetings in Las Vegas thereby no more tourism or revenue is going to Las Vegas. They now have ownership in General Motors and basically trashed everyone who used to own it. They are arbitrarily deciding who does what. They have made so many threatening moves like this. They are socializing healthcare also. We already had nationalized healthcare for the military, for veterans, and I fail to remember another one. All of them have been a disaster, why do they think an even bigger one will succeed? Even other examples of Canada and other countries have failed, people have died from all of this. Yet we have the "gall" to try this again. Our "capitalism" is no longer the model of success we've enjoyed.

I hope we stop the direction this is going and can restore what it used to be. If we fail to stop these changes, then our standard of living will be what others have. We will no longer be the beacon standing for everyone! We will no longer be able to operate as we have. We will no longer be able to offer charity to others, because we ourselves will need charity.

Communication - Presidents

It is very interesting to note the communication styles of president's and how it influences the people and the media. It seems that the communication skills of presidents have a huge impact on what people think of them and their politics. It seems that if a president lacks in the ability to consverse eloquently, he is seen as incompetent and does not bode well. However, regardless of the results of his actions, if one can communicate well, then it does not matter and their public rating is high.

President Reagan, was great at communicating with the American people. He made sure to speak to the country as a leader. He explained what he was doing and he explained the policies and conservatism for the country as a leader should.

President Clinton , was great at communicating as well. He was able to "lie" perfectly to the American people also. He was so great at it. He was loved by democrats all over because of his ability to communicate well.

President Bush, was not conservative at all (as far as his administration went). He had poor communication skills, but if you know the man, he was a very decent and respectful man. He always had great intentions. He failed to communicate not only what he was doing, but failed to communicate a lot of key things which lead to his detriment and the people feel so much less of him. However, I think if he had better communication skills that people would have more respect for him.

President Obama, has great communication skills. They are forced though, he seems to require a teleprompter all the time. He had to get 2 teleprompters so now he can move his head from left to right as he switches from one to the other. He has made several mistakes though, as he reads from the teleprompter incorrectly. He has at times, read the other person's lines. He introduced himself (someone else was supposed to do that), called people by the wrong names, etc. It is a little funny. Even Joe Biden at one military engagement, made a joke about the teleprompter one time, it fell over, he said "Oh know, what will Obama do?". But truth be told, he has a great communication style; This communication style in his case seems to matter more, people listen to what he says but don't actually care because he sounds so professional and responsible, they don't care to take the time to actually look at what he is doing and find out if his results and the things he does match up to his statements, his promises and other comments he makes.

What we need is a conservative President who can articulate what it means to be a Conservative. We need people in Congress and the Senate who can articulate what it means to be a Conservative. We need people to express the truth about our history and what makes our country great. Unfortunately, the people in this country do not look at results, they only give someone credibility if they can speak well. Further than that, a President can hide the real truth about his agenda, what he is doing if he demeans the people in communicating clearly a false reality of what he is doing. Imagine the power if we had people in Washington with integrity, no corruption, speaking eloquently !

Friday, May 29, 2009


What does it mean to be conservative ?

There are many definitions, but to just cut down to the chase here is a simple definition. We believe in every person as an individual that has value and each person is important and significant. It does not matter what race, creed, color, nationality or ethnicity a person is, each of us are important. Each of us have responsibilities; Each of us can excel and grow in each and every way. We believe that every single citizen shall have as many freedoms as possible to life their life as freely as possible. We believe that the Constitution is the most beautiful document and it was written by enlightened men who fought for it. The founders of this country saw the corruption and the problems in the east and sought to form a government that enabled "the individual" to pursue liberty, life and happiness.

Furthermore, as conservatives we believe that the government should in providing these freedoms be as small as possible. It is not the responsibiliity of the government to be all and everything. Actually the government needs only to provide what is elaborated in the Constitution and provide the defense of our country. It would be perfect if Congress and the Senate were only open two months a year, where they did nothing except preserve our Constitution. We believe in low taxes because low taxes allows us to be free and help provide a strong economy for all.

The government is not responsible for retirement, welfare and all these crazy programs and wasteful spending. We as conservatives believe people are smart and intelligent on how to live their lives. The adversay to conservatives, "liberals" believe that the individual is incompetent and incapable of taking care of themselves. They believe that the government must be all and do everything for everyone. That is how we got to the mess we are in now. Conservatives, however, believe that "the individual" is competent and can choose how best to take care of himself/herself and their own families.

Rush Limbaugh

Rush Limbaugh is a very controversial person. There are millions who love him and there are millions who hate him. I think, however, there are many misconceptions about him and many who hate him do not really know who he really is and they don't care.

I would submit, that Rush Limbaugh is the most PATRIOTIC citizen that deserves respect and more than we can ever provide. He is a very generous man who donates and helps many charities and causes. Every business that advertises on his radio programs or internet site immediately gains success because he reaches millions of people. He is the most misunderstood man in the media. He is a the biggest proponent for all of us to be the best we can be. He loves people and always takes opportunity to discuss and encourage everyone who listens to his program to stop worrying about negative things and obstacles in their way. He propels people to instead, look for ways to beat the odds, beat the obstacles in their way and follow their dreams.

Whether you are a democrat, republican, conservative, liberal, or whatever you call yourself, Rush Limbaugh loves people and wants our country to Succeed! He wants our nation to continue to achieve the greatness it once had when it was formed. He is the BEST LEADER for all of us.

I think Rush Limbaugh has done more for the conservatives than any one. All of us thank him and are so grateful that he speaks what most of this nation believe. Most of this country are still conservative. The problem with being conservative is that most of us are tied up busy working. Most of us don't speak out in public, most of us don't go out and fight for our cause because we're busy working. That is our biggest problem - the country is busy working, instead of fighting for what we believe. So sometimes in votes, when they actually show up to vote shock the media. The media underestimates and thinks that our country is not conservative.

Also, if people understood conservatism, and there were not as many people asleep believing what they see on television, they would acknowledge that they are conservative. The people in Washington for the last several years have not represented conservatism in either party. So all conservatives are fed up with Washington. Listening to Rush gives hope for many conservatives.

What is missing in the Republican party is leadership. Rush Limbaugh provides the leadership every single day that the Republican Party needs. The Republican Party could learn so much from Rush Limbaugh if they would just listen. They just need to listen and they need to proclaim the truth about conservatism in the media.

Thank you RUSH ! We all appreciate you.

Cutting Taxes

Every citizen has a duty to pay taxes to the United States government. This is a noble event as it can fund the government to afford our defense and other noble things. We will not discuss what it pays for here.

We will always pay taxes. But tax regulations have changed over the history of the United States. The tax code has grown to be a huge document, and very complicated. There are permanent taxes, there are deductions, there have been temporary tax cuts that have expired or will be expiring over all the years.

Federal taxes significantly influence the economy. Federal taxes either help or stifle business, help or stifle consumers (us). The federal government (bound by the Constitution) is very limited in what it can do in the economy. i.e. the federal government can not legally decide how much people make, decide who has a job or not (unless it is a government job), can not decide the price of oil or any product. The only thing the government can do is provide jobs in the government at the federal or state level. The government should not provide government jobs to try to help the economy, because history has shown that providing government jobs hurts the economy because it raises the government overhead, requiring more tax money to fund them, and the jobs it creates do not produce anything which consumers can buy and those jobs obviously don't produce anything we can export to other countries. So the government can not really affect the economy except for 2 ways, having Greenspan change the interest rate and 2 deciding how much taxes people must pay.

Taxing the citizens should only be the minimum required to fund the government. Ideally the size of the government will be small so this burden is as light as possible.

Taxing the people should be fair to all. Taxes and cutting taxes are treated wrongly and there are many misconceptions of taxes especially in the media, newspaper and TV today. History has shown that when taxes are cut (even a little bit) that it significantly helps the economy. The media and others who have political agendas put out a lot of false hype that "cutting taxes" is wrong and bad, and they always immediately start talking about the "upper class" and how they need to pay their fair share. The truth of the matter though is that "cutting taxes" helps everyone. The biggest effect on citizens in this country of cutting taxes is the "middle class". There are so many people in this country who are in the middle class, barely making enough money to pay a lot of taxes, barely able to pay for things for their children and families. All of us want to live the american dream.

Ronald Reagan is the first illustration I like to think about for cutting taxes. When he cut taxes, this country benefited so much in the economy, there was huge job growth, there was a great economy, the stock market was able to grow, people participating in the stock market was able to grow. Many times when tax changes are made by a President, the effects are not implemented or felt until after the President leaves office. After Reagan the economy continued to do well.

The economy was good during President Clinton because entrepreneurs found innovative ways to work around some of the taxes President Clinton raised during office. Then other taxes from him were not felt until after he left office. So like I said, after the President imposes taxes and leaves office the press and media don't realize it's bad until after the President leaves office. So the media tries to claim that the economy was good during Clinton years because he raised taxes. That simply is not true. Then President Bush got blamed for the bad economy. But when President Bush cut taxes, the stock market the same day skyrocketed and the economy started getting better. Then when families started getting checks of real money, they immediately used that money. That worked, the economy got very strong, unemployment low.

It's just very simple and common sense. When you increase taxes, then people have less money left over. When people and business have less money, then they don't spend as much money. That means that businesses make less money both because people have less to spend and because they themselves have less. Therefore, it's a double hit to business and then businesses may have to lay off people, people will lose jobs. There will be less money for venture capitalists to create new jobs. It just hurts the economy in several ways. It suppresses the economy. When you lower or cut taxes, then it helps everyone. More jobs are created, people and families can keep more of their money and will spend more and buy more.

Let me tell you something else. When taxes are low that means people have more money right. More people have jobs. Well when more people have jobs and more people are making money, then when they pay taxes, the federal government receives more tax revenue. Isn't the goal for the federal government to have enough money to fund itself ? If that is the case, then the federal government should tax appropriately so that their funding is maximized. When President Bush lowered taxes, the government's debt significantly went down because they had a lot of tax revenue. The deal is when you raise taxes, then it results in job loss and people with less money. If there are significant tax increases, then people have no desire to earn more money because they figure the government will just take it anyway (which is sometimes true). Whether it is true or not, people feel that way. So anyway, it results in fewer jobs, fewer people working, fewer people paying taxes. So if fewer people are paying taxes, then that means less money fed into the federal government. So it is true through history that lower taxes means more money for the government and a better living experience for all, even the lower class and middle class.

Look at other countries. There are so many countries with high taxes, sometimes 30% or more. When you look at those countries, their economies are bad. The governments are in debt. Not a pretty picture. I would say that the United States has been such a great country because of lower taxes; We have a better standard of living because of this.

Another country, Russia, they just implemented a flat tax which was 12% or something like that a couple years ago (without any deductions). When they implemented that, it was a tax cut and tax simplification. That has shown huge success - a better economy and the government had benefited from more money. This is an example of fair taxation. A single percentage and they have had success.

I believe American Heritage also has a lot of statistics and benefits about cutting taxes also. If you'd like more information about this, please avoid the hype and false notions the media states and seek the real truth about the matter.